Iowa Association of Naturalists


Halloween Hike Booklets Available!



Haven't finalized plans for this year's Halloween Hike? Thinking of
starting a hike but don't know where to start? Then IAN has the book for
you! The Halloween Hike booklet has more than 80 pages of Halloween Hike
information. There are 20 +  themes including Water Cycle, Predator Prey,
Habitat, Pollution, and more. Not only will you receive the scripts for the
hikes, many of the themes include costume and prop ideas, information on
costumes that are available for loan, and the contact agency for more
information about a particular script.
All this for only $15.85 (including mailing cost!). You can't beat that! To
get your copy simply send a check, payable to IAN for $15.85 to:

Jenny Ammon, Dubuque Conservation Board, 13606 Swiss Valley Rd., Peosta, IA 52068
or e-mail:

Your book will be mailed after your check is received. (Please allow at least one week for all this
to happen!) You'll get some new ideas for Halloween Hikes, and help IAN in the process. THANK YOU!

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